We are the exclusive distributor of the HaloEQ
Equine Salt Systems LLC, is the exclusive global representative of HaloEQ Dry Salt Halotherapy equipment for equine use.
Our CEO Jason Robbins is a successful entrepreneur and a horse owner. He got involved with horses when his wife and daughter began participating in Hunter Jumper equestiran competitions.
After learning about the success and popularity of Halotherapy for human treatment of respiratory ailments, Jason sought to expand the reach of this powerful treatment to trainers and horse owners in all disciplines. Equinesalt has modified a highly reliable human-machine for equine application named the HaloEQ. We love horses and are excited to help trainers and owners keep their equine athletes happy and healthy.
Halotherapy is an all-natural modality and an excellent way to improve and maintain optimal respiratory health. Trainers rave about the drug free results they are getting in dealing with EIPH bleeding and mucus. For trainers, offering dry salt therapy to your clients is a terrific new service you can provide as part of your services or as an add-on. For sale barns, using dry salt therapy on a regular basis will keep your horses healthy and at peak performance.
We are based in South Florida and distribute our European made machines globally. Customer support and training is also provided by our staff in the US. You can find us at various horse shows and equine-related trade shows and events.
A horse that breathes better is a better performing and happier horse.